The 2022-23 fiscal year saw many wonderful exhibitions, events, and gatherings that reminded us again that connecting to art also connects us to each other across whatever may divide us. The stories shared here at the Gallery reflect the power and beauty of art, as well as WAG-Qaumajuq’s growing commitment to leadership on the journey towards equity and reconciliation in the arts.
This year, we’ve shared a diverse offering of exhibitions that both celebrate and encourage a deeper understanding of perspectives that have historically been overlooked. The powerful presence of the artworks in Robert Houle: Red is Beautiful saw many school programs and public visitors explore themes that are vital to truth and reconciliation. And the unforgettable pieces in Esmaa Mohamoud: To Play in the Face of Certain Defeat had visitors considering the intersections of sport and identity.
We were able to spend more time with Qaumajuq’s groundbreaking inaugural show INUA — and open the second ever exhibition in this new space: Inuit Sanaugangit: Art Across Time, a show that explores the connective threads across time and the North. Through our partnership with the Winnipeg Free Press, we brought you Headlines: The Art of the News Cycle, both a celebration of 150 years of independent journalism from the Winnipeg Free Press as well as a critical look at the conversations happening in the space between art and news. All these and more have brought inspiring, thought-provoking art to Winnipeg audiences.
As a part of our commitment to implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and the Gallery’s Equity Action Plan, we continue to move towards making WAG-Qaumajuq a safer and more welcoming space for Indigenous and racialized people. In 2022-23, Phase 1 of the award-winning Renaming Initiative was completed, the Works of Art Policy was updated to include “Equity” as a specific acquisitions’ criteria consideration, and the Gallery began a process to deaccession settler artist’s works from the collection to raise funds to create a fund for acquisition of artwork by Indigenous artists. Learn more about our work in the equity report below and at
Thank you to our donors, members, and supporters for making all this and more possible at WAG-Qaumajuq. Thanks to your support, we welcomed nearly 400,000 visitors through our doors in 2022-23. Each visit had the potential to shift perspectives, move hearts and minds, or offer comfort and calm to our community.
Thank you for being a part of the WAG-Qaumajuq community. We hope to see you soon!
Stephen D. Borys, OM, PhD, MBA
Director & CEO
The 2022-23 fiscal year saw the culmination of our first steps towards building a truly equitable Gallery, and the launch of our next phase of equity work and training.
Equity has become a core piece of our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the Board at the beginning of the calendar year. We’re excited for what the future holds. It is our goal to incorporate equity and care for our community into everything we do, seeking to care for both individuals and the collective community.
Over the course of the year, we completed work on the Equity Action Plan with the help of Equity Solutions Consulting and have begun restructuring the way we work, guided by the recommendations therein. We’ve established a new department, Indigenous Ways and Decolonization, and a new Manager of Equity position to ensure that we’re on the right track. You can check out the report findings here.
We’ve also been working hard on a new Accountable Spaces Policy with Blue Dragon Consulting. Accountable spaces emphasize the importance of responsibility and intent, as well as making amends when mistakes are made. The Accountable Spaces Policy will address every level of the organization, from guests and community to leadership and staff.
Taajuu Consulting has led mandatory training sessions for staff and leadership that include education about 2SLGBTQIA+ knowledges, rematriation, addressing wrongs within a museum context, engaging in active work around anti-oppression frameworks, and deconstructing colonial power structures.
Our ongoing Anti-Racism Employee Resource Group continues to meet monthly, and we’ve established a mandatory Anti-Racism Leadership meeting to interrogate the ways that white supremacy is manifesting in the ways we work.
An assessment and plan are being developed to address accessibility issues across the organization in accordance with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, which will reduce barriers related to accessing information provided in print, in-person, on our websites and in other formats.
Finally, the Gallery is changing the way we hire to explicitly open pathways for Indigenous and racialized people by valuing experience as highly as academic achievement. We are working to ensure that there are stronger opportunities for Indigenous and Racialized employees to grow and thrive within the organization.
We value public feedback on this and other initiatives at the Gallery. If you would like to share your thoughts, please reach out to
See the image below, or view the Financials PDF
Our financial statements were audited by KPMG LLP. This summary fully complies with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. The complete audited financial statements for the year April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023 are available upon request.
The Winnipeg Art Gallery is grateful to the many individuals, corporations, foundations, friends, and all levels of government that support the WAG’s exhibitions, education programs, and fundraising initiatives. Supporters like you create incredible WAG experiences for the whole community to enjoy – thank you!
The following list recognizes the monetary, in-kind, and works of art contributions received between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022, as well as our ongoing government and media support. We apologize for any errors or omissions (in this case, please email *Indicates total contribution includes artwork.
Government of Canada
Canada Council for the Arts
Province of Manitoba
Bureau de l’éducation française under the aegis of the Canada/Manitoba Program for Official Languages in Education
Manitoba Arts Council
Manitoba Education & Training
Manitoba Sport, Culture, and Heritage
Prairies Economic Development Canada
Urban Hometown Green Team, Manitoba Children and Youth Opportunities
City of Winnipeg
The Winnipeg Arts Council
Government of Nunavut
Louis Riel School Division
Seven Oaks School Division
Winnipeg School Division
A special thank you to our Media Partners
Bell Media
Doowah Design
Esdale Printing Company Ltd.
Pattison Outdoor Advertising
The Sign Source
Tourism Winnipeg
Travel Manitoba
Winnipeg Free Press
$250,000 – $499,999
The Winnipeg Foundation
BMO Bank of Montreal
$100,000 – $249,999
Royal Bank of Canada
$75,000 – $99,999
$50,000 – $74,999
Canada Life
$25,000 – $49,999
Gisele D. Bertalanffy
$10,000 – $24,999
Brian Hastings
Canadian Museums Association
Cibinel Architecture Ltd.
Downtown Winnipeg Biz
Graham C. Lount Family Foundation
Manitoba Arts Council
Manitoba Education & Training
$5,000 – $9,999
Bernard Léveillé and Moira Swinton
The Ernst Hansch Foundation, Inc.
The Leonard Foundation
The Polar Foundation
Royal Canadian Properties Ltd.
$2,500 – $4,999
The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company
The Winnipeg Rh Institute Foundation Inc.
$1,000 – $2,499
Maxine and John Bock
Patricia E. Bovey
Kevin Chipman
Cholakis Dental Group
Aynsley Cockshott
Conseil Économique et Coopératif de la Saskatchewan
Ken and Lynn Cooper
Councillor Brian Mayes (St Vital)
Gerry and Chris Couture
Giftpact Foundation Inc
Joan Kennedy
Katarina Kupca
Helen Leeds
Gary Sarcida
Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation
Dawn Erin Kelley and Roger Woloshyn
$500 – $999
Hans and Karen Andersen
Sangeet Bhatia
Dr. Diane R. Biehl
Dr. Daniel Levin and Lilian Bonin
Carol Budnick
Steve Chipman
Andrea and George Cibinel
Hennie and Rick Corrin
Lawrence and Brenda Ellerby
Stewart and Patricia Fay
Gregg and Mary Hanson
Susan Knox
H. Sanford and Deborah Riley
Lewis Rosenberg
Nick Logan and Christine Skene
Christie Macdonald and Philip St. John
John Stefaniuk
Carol and Daniel Stockwell
United Way of Winnipeg
Thank you to the Government of Canada, Province of Manitoba and City of Winnipeg for your generous investments. To the many people, families, businesses and foundations who have donated to help build Qaumajuq, thank you!
This is the start of something amazing—something that comes to life when you’re involved. Thank you for being part of WAG–Qaumajuq. Thank you for making this happen! The following list recognizes all Qaumajuq donors through June 8, 2023.
Canadian Heritage
City of Winnipeg
Douglas D. Everett
Richardson Foundation Inc.
Doug and Louise Leatherdale
Province of Manitoba
The Winnipeg Foundation
$1,000,000 – $1,999,999
BMO Bank of Montreal
Douglas Leatherdale
The Kathleen M. Richardson Foundation
Tannis Richardson
H. Sanford and Deborah Riley
The Sprott Foundation
The Winnipeg Art Gallery Foundation
$500,000 – $999,999
Arts Stabilization Manitoba Inc.
Canada Life
Kiki Delaney
Michael S. Gray
IG Wealth Management
David and Diane Johnston
Mauro Family Foundation
Michael F. Nesbitt
The North West Company Inc.
Power Corporation of Canada
RBC Foundation
Hartley T. Richardson
James A. Richardson
J. Derek Riley
The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation
TD Bank Group
Bob Williams
$250,000 – $499,999
Kris Benidickson
Dr. Stephen and Hazel Borys
Chipman Family Foundation
Albert Friesen
Doug Harvey
Margaret Hucal
Peter Jessiman
Edward Kennedy
Payworks Canada
Gerry and Barbara Price
R. A. Stafford
Ian Sutherland
The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company
$100,000 – $249,999
The Asper Foundation
Daniel Bubis and Jennifer Blumenthal
Brock Bulbuck
Marilyn and Jim Burt
Cambrian Credit Union
Bruce Campbell
Ernest and Anastasia Cholakis
Cholakis Dental Group
James Cohen
CWB National Leasing
De Fehr Foundation Inc.
Donner Canadian Foundation
Bryce & Nicki Douglas
The Gail Asper Family Foundation Inc.
Pat G. Harkins
Brian Hastings
Donald K. Johnson
Steven Kroft
Shirley A. Liba
John Loewen
Scott MacDonald
Henriette Ricou and Jure Manfreda
National Bank of Canada
Tracey Novak
The Pollard Family Foundation Inc.
Kathleen M. Richardson
Ross and Allana Robinson
Lewis Rosenberg
Jeannie Senft
Robert Silver
Nick Logan and Christine Skene
Susan Glass, C.M. and Arni Thorsteinson
Winnipeg Free Press
The Winnipeg Rh Institute Foundation Inc.
$50,000 – $99,999
Appleton Charitable Foundation
Marjorie Blankstein CM, OM, LLD
Don and Connie Borys
David G. Brown
Friesens Corporation
Golden West Broadcasting
Duncan M & Judith O Jessiman Family Foundation
The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
Kish Kapoor
Robert Kennedy
John King
Bernice D. Kleysen
The Manitoba 150 Host Committee Inc.
Manitoba Blue Cross
Daniel G. McConnell
McFadden Benefits & Pension Ltd.
The McLean Foundation
Mikkelsen-Coward & Co.
New Flyer Industries Limited
PCL Constructors Canada Inc.
Kathleen Ramsay
Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd.
Richard L. Yaffe, Q.C.
$25,000 – $49,999
Akman Construction Ltd.
Mary Lou Albrechtsen
Dick and Elaine Archer
The Associates of the Winnipeg Art Gallery
Cindy Babiuk
Patricia E. Bovey
Doneta and Harry Brotchie
Richard W. Brownscombe
Aynsley Cockshott
Ken and Lynn Cooper
Conam Charitable Foundation
Hennie and Rick Corrin
Gerry and Chris Couture
Geoff Crysdale
Cushman & Wakefield Stevenson
Drs. Mary Lynn and Harry Duckworth
Robert Enright
Leah Erickson
Douglas Everett
Lila Goodspeed Everett
The Bill and Margaret\Fast Family Foundation
David C. Filmon
Gary A. Filmon
Curwin Friesen and Jill Weber Friesen
Patricia Guy
Erik Haites
Brian Hirsch
Carolyn Hursh
Ginny Twomey and Terry Johnston
Johanna and John Kassenaar
Els Kavanagh
Mr. and Mrs. R.M. (Bob) Kozminski
Ladco Company Limited
Garry A. Leach
Leon A. Brown Ltd.
John C. MacAulay
Elaine and Neil Margolis
Ron and Sandi Mielitz
Jennifer and Calvin Polet
William Pope
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Barry Rempel
Shirley A. Richardson
Susan J. Scott
Harvey Secter
Senft Family Foundation
Nick Slonosky
Charles Spiring
Don Streuber
Hugh R. Taylor
Faye Warren
Winnipeg Building & Decorating Ltd.
$10,000 – $24,999
Hans and Karen Andersen
Lola Lee Anderson
Suzanne Banfield Lount
Barrie Bell
Carol Bellringer
BenefAction Foundation
Joyce and Bruce Berry
Dr. Diane R. Biehl
Maxine and John Bock
Connie Borys
Tim Borys
Carol Budnick
Charles Burns
Philip Burns
C.P. Loewen Family Foundation Inc
Christopher Bredt and Jamie Cameron
Centre Venture Development Corporation
Council for Canadian American Relations
Raymond Currie
H. Brent Cuthbertson
Kerry Dangerfield
Alison and Robert Darling
Kevin and Sharon Donnelly
Doowah Design
Dr. Kenneth Murray Medical Corp.
Kate Everett
Derek Fewer
David Friesen
Gord Gage
Doreen Girling
Lisa F. Gould
Gregory Hammond
Gregg and Mary Hanson
Estate of Elaine Heinicke
Jack Hildes
Daryl Hoban
Estate of Elsie Hughes
Dan Hursh
Innovair Industrial Ltd.
James Ripley and Diane Jones
Jacqueline and Murray Kilfoyle
Susan Knox
José Koes
Katarina Kupca
Sean Lawton
A.S. Leach
Naomi Z. Levine
Barry McArton
McLaughlin Family
Samuel McLaughlin
MCW Consultants Ltd.
Susan Millican
Fred and Margaret Mooibroek
Margaret Morse
Peter S. Morse
Judy Murray
Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd
Heather Patrick
Jim and Heather Perchaluk
Robert G. Puchniak
Alex Robinson
Samuel Sarick
Betty Ann and Sam Searle
Majid Shojania
George B. Sigurdson
Pamela Simmons
Herbert Enns and Maem Slater-Enns
Christie Macdonald and Philip St. John
Fred Ford and Gela Stach
Grant Stefanson
Carol and Daniel Stockwell
Bernard Léveillé and Moira Swinton
Harlyn E. Thompson
Deborah Thorlakson
Meeka Walsh
Dawn Erin Kelley and Roger Woloshyn
Nobby Woo
Susan Wortzman
Darcy Zaporzan
Adele Kory and Gorden Andrus
Ann E. Loewen Medical Corporation
Earl J. and Cheryl Barish
Dianne Jane Beaven
Bruce Bennett
Sangeet Bhatia
D. Joan Blight
Thomas Blumberg
David and Sheila Brodovsky
Alexis Kochan and Nestor Budyk
Tom Carson
Chimp: Charitable Impact Foundation Canada
Haderra and Mark Chisick
Shelley Chochinov
Andrea and George Cibinel
Coghlan’s Ltd.
Dr. Yvonne C. Condell
Meribeth Coyne
Craig & Ross Chartered Accountants
Maxine Cristall
Derksen Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Judith DesBrisay
Thomas P. Dooley
Drs. Versha and Shantanu Otto Banerji Medical Corporation
Charles Feaver
Paul Ferley
Janice C. Filmon
Karen Fletcher and Richard Forbes
Ab and Susan Freig
Larry H. Frostiak
Sherry and William H. Glanville
John A. Gray
Patricia J. Gray
Judith Hall
Leona Herzog
Barbara Hicks
Kyle Hill
Duncan M. Jessiman
Sue and Jim Irving
John E. Jacobsen
Janzen Builders (1963) Holdings Ltd.
Kenwal Ltd
Violet Konkle
Sotiria R. Lambos
Mardie Law
Joanne Lee
Dr. Judith Littleford
LM Architectural Group
John R. Loewen
Dwight MacAulay
Jane and Andrew Maksymiuk
Jure Manfreda
Carol McArton
Scott McCulloch
Jennifer Mohr
Paula Moreira
Cindy Newfield
Shelley Page
Leonard Podheiser
Juta Rathke
Robert and Devi Jawl Foundation
Helga Sickert
Eric L. Stefanson
Hartley Stinson
Joanne R. Sutherland
Beverley De’Athe and Leigh Taylor
Brenda Taylor
Jim Taylor
TD Wealth
Susan A. Thompson
T. Kenneth Thorlakson
Tivra Capital & Advisory
Theresie Tungilik
Adele Wortzman
Zorianna & Eugene Hyworon Foundation Inc.
Carole Abbott
Brian Akins
Michelle Allen
Patricia Allen
Allmar Distributors Ltd.
Judith Anderson
Esther-Rose and Aubie Angel
Natalia E. Antonenko
Linda Asper
Ron Bailey
James C. Baillie
Bruce Ball
Lydia Bartel
Brenda Batzel
Heather Beecroft
Jordy Bell
Ernest Bergbusch
Robert Berketo
Arthur Blankstein-Ure
Doug Blaylock
Audrey Book
Ruth Brodie
Ellen Bruce
Brian Bursten
Gary Campbell
Paul Cantor
Capstone Ridge Group
Linda Carrier-Walker
Morris Chia
David Christianson
Catherine Chung
Kevin Coates
Parlour Coffee
Cynthia Cohlmeyer
Gary Coleman
C. H. Coltart
Timothy Cowan
Greg Cox
Don Cranston
Barbara and Brian Crow
Robert Crowley
Ken Crozier
Paul Cunningham
Gerry Daly
Marilyn de von Flindt
Melanie Derwin
Larry Desrochers
Isaac B. Diamon
Donna Sutherland Medical Corporation
Louise Smith and Hussein Dostmohamed
Dr. Bruce Douglas Martin Medical Corporation
Constance Drybrough
June D. Dutka
Bill P. Elliott
Empiricus Medical Corporation Inc.
Eduard Epp
David and Anita Epp
Shane Fainman
Stewart and Patricia Fay
Susan Feldman
Doug Finkbeiner
Morag Fisher
Blake Fitzpatrick
Leah de Forest
Toronto Foundation
Huguette Le Gall
Barb Gamey
Nirdosh Ganske
Lili Garfinkel
William H. and Sherry Glanville
Susan Glass
Patrice Goldberg
Barbara Goldberg
Tyler Gompf
Roberta E. Good
Margo Goodhand
John Guy
Cynthia Gyles
Harry Ethans and Margot Haig
Agnes M. Hall
Patricia Hall
Linda Hamilton
James Hanley
Kelly Hearson
Angela Heck
John Heimbecker
Reg Helwer
Yude M. Henteleff
Carol Heppenstall
Elske Hildes-Ripstein
Kevin M. Hooke
Sparrow Hotels
Shawn Hughes
Zorianna Hyworon
Inuit Art Society
Bruce Jack
Stephan Jaeger
Heather Jessiman
Mary Johannson
Derek Johannson
Brenda Johnson
Janis G. Johnson
Matt Johnston
Diane M. Johnston
Betty Johnstone
Louis Jungheim
K.J. Ferbers Law Corporation
Scott Kamins
Judith Kaprowy
Karen Lee Klym and Roger Gordon Süss Medical Corporation
Elizabeth Karman
Sam Katz
Maggie A. Katzeley
Kay Four Properties
John Kearsey
Blain King
Dwaine King
Ken Klassen
Tom Kleysen
Elizabeth Kocmur
Tiffany Kohinski
Ivy Kopstein
André Kriening
Christine Kristjanson
Jim Krovats
Wendy Labossiere
Debra Lane
Franeli Yadao and Russell Lavitt
Prystanski Law Corporation Law
Vivian K. Lee
Richard Leipsic
Doris A. Lemoine
Therese LeNeveu
Linda Levit
Karen Lischka
Manju and Ganpat Lodha
Diana Logan
Colin Lount
Edward A. Lyons
Sam Lyons
James D. MacDonald
Donald J. MacDonald
Lois MacDonald
Eleanor MacDougall
David MacMillan
Kathleen MacRae
Catharine Mains
Laurel Malkin
Ilse Marotta
Linda Martin
Debora Mazur
Brian McArthur
Kim McCartney
Deborah J. McCawley
David McMillan
Karen Menkis
Robert Miles
Cary Miller
Thorlein Mitchell
Sharon Moffatt
Dana Mohr
Caileigh Morrison
Judith Morrow
Fiona Webster Mourant
Ted Muir
Scott Mundle
Stuart Murray
Nicole Murray
Nancy’s Very Own Foundation
Marie Nault
Corinne Nemy
Brenda Newman
Ingrid K. Nickel
Tim Nykoluk
Linda and Wayne Paquin
Parhelion Medical Services
John Pennington
People of River East Church
Rene Pereux
Linda Pettit
Jocelyne Poirier
Larry Pollock
Richard Pope
Brian Postl
Maureen Prendiville
Tim J. Preston
Thomas Pundyk
Linda Radcliffe
Michael Rennie and Indira Rampersad
Ross Ransby
Red Rover Entertainment
Emöke J.E. Szathmáry and George A. Reilly
Iris Reimer
Patricia Reinart
Gayle Restall
Amy Richmond
Carolyn Rickey
Catherine Riggall
Nancy Riley
Enid Brown and David Robinson
Shelagh Rogers
Diane Sabourin
J. Timothy and Eleanor Samson
Barbara Scheuneman
Dr. Robert Schroth
Richard J. Scott
Scott Sutherland Medical
Elizabeth Sellors
Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro
Paul Shuckett
Glenn Sigurdson
Sigurdson Financial Group
Jo Swartz and Richard Silverman
Ray Singer
Sheila Smeaton
Tara Snider
Patricia Sparrer
Jason Stefanson
Leonard Steingarten
Donni Stern
Marlene Stern
Thomas Strike
Ms. P Colleen Suche
Muriel Sutherland
Sara Swartz
Swift Telecome Services
Margot Tass
Ruby and Andrej Tekauz
The Dufresne Foundation Inc.
The/Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce
Paulette Théberge
Brian Thiessen
Marvin Tiller
Pam Tonsaker
Victor Tootoo
Jonathan Trenholm
Brent Trepel
Upside Down Tree
Peter R. Van Brunt
Cornelia van Ineveld
Robert Vandewater
Rosemary L. Vodrey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wade
Janet Walker
Nancy Walkling
Garnet Ward
Sue Washnuk
Kathleen White
Paul Wiebe
Raymond Wiest
Darlene Coward Wight and Roger W. Wight
Pamela Wilcox
Edith Wilde
Anita William
Paul Wright
Gail Wylie
Dave Wright and Gail Wylie
Anne C. Yanchyshyn
Alvin Yee
Brent Zabolotny
Nicole Zajac
Sara Angel
Tatiana Arcand
Christel Bieri
Rosanne Hill Blaisdell
Jeremy Bomhof
Brian Bowman
Stephen Brodovsky
S. Anne Bullen
Jan Burns
Agnes Marguerite Cassin
Gaylene Chesnut
Marina Cholakis
Gary Cockshott
James Dean
Aganetha Dyck
Pat Feheley
Colby Ferbers
Cynthia Gemmell
Paul G. Gemmiti
Gimli Film Festival Inc.
Kenneth Grower
Debra Hall
Laurie Herd
Darlene Hildebrand
Tanice Houston
Peter Isaac
J. K. May Investments Ltd.
Scott Janke
Michael Koch-Schulte
Martha Konantz
Christina Kowalec
Susan Latremoille
Cycelia Lazarowich
Ganpat Lodha
Ann Loewen
Claude Lorange
Muriel J. Lukovich
Myra Macoomb
Rosemary Malaher
Marathon Productions9 Ltd.
Angela Mathieson
Stephen May
Sharon Mcdonald
Anne Monk
Albert D. Myska
Paul and Elaine Neelon
Marie Ohta
Kristine Olafson
Ruth C. Ooto
Judy Rigby
Leona MacDonald and Douglas Riske
Bruce Roe
Ken Roseman
Steven Rosenberg
Brent Schacter
Ingrid E. Schilling
Harald Schulz
Ehren Sherbo
Diane Spivak
Sara Stasiuk
Lori Stewart
Shelley Tadman
Fenella Temmerman
Diane Tetley
The Jackman Foundation
John and Patricia Toone
Leslie Turnbull
Eric Vogan
Catherine A. Vriend, Ph. D.
Herbert S. Weil
Diane Weselake
Pamela Whitehead
Dennis and Gustine Wilton
Claire Workman
Kathryn A. Young
Marilyn Yunis
Cheryl Zubrack
Up to $999
Nakasuk Alariaq
Michael Averbach
Sandra Barz
Gillian R. Bird
Ken Blankstein-Ure
Maxine E. Bowen
Christine Bridgett
Heather Brownell
Margaret Burns
Melanie Burt
Cambusland Holdings Ltd.
Ian Campbell
Marian Campbell
Louise Carpenter
Danny S. Childerhouse
Costa Cholakis
David Cormie
Michael Cox
Susan Dawes
Julie Diakiw
Iggy Domagalski
John Dubois
Danielle Dumesnil
Melanie Egan
Lyyli Elliott
Helmut Epp
Angela Failler
Patricia Fay
Melanie F. Foubert
Carolyn Gadsby
Bill Gadsby
Carmelle Gauthier
Jonathan Goodspeed
Deborah Grenier
Elyse N. Halprin
Roy Halstead
Tom Harrison
Marilyn Hernandez
Jane Hilderman
Jeffrey B. Hirsch
J. Michael Hughson
HUB International
Paula Isaak
Adam Janzen
Claire and Gerald Jewers
Chris Johnson
Adam Keech
Gerard Kennedy
Sarry Klein
Barry J. Konzelman
Stefan Kupca
Colleen J. Leduc
Guy Lemoine
David Loewen
Marie A. Loyer
Carlos Machado
Angus MacIver
Elizabeth Macoomb
John T. McGoey
Linda McNaughton
Eveline Milliken
Guy R. Milner
Marc Monnin
Shirley Muir
Janice Nathanson
Kevin O’Connell
Ralph Ooto
E. E. Peters
Sandra Pettigrew
Polo Park Hearing Centre
Elizabeth V. Port
Beth Proven
Jeff Liba and Julie Rempel
Ainsley Rice
Celia Rodd
Margerit Roger
Mary-Lea Ruscetta
Mark Savin
Valerie Shantz
John Silver
K. Joan Lyons and Chris Simcoe
Lesley Sisler
Arlene Skull
Doug Arrell and Dick Smith
Robert A. Stafford
Darlene Stepanik
Shelley Sweeney
Camille Sylvester
Carol Trembath
Arlene D. Wall
William E. Watchorn
Joan Welch
Mary Agnes Welch
Wilson Diagnostic Imaging
Kristen Wittman
Harriet Zimmer

Year in review
Monday, Oct 10 '22
Robert Houle: Red is Beautiful an interview with Dr. Stephen Borys
The impact and intensity of Robert Houle’s artwork can’t be conveyed on the page or through a screen. Robert Houle: Red is Beautiful brings together…
Thursday, Feb 2 '23
Q&A with Marie-Anne Redhead, our Newest Curator
It’s always an exciting time at an art gallery when a curator joins the team, and WAG-Qaumajuq is no exception. We’re thrilled to welcome Marie-Anne…
Tuesday, Feb 28 '23
Introducing the new WAG-Qaumajuq Visual Identity
Notice something different around here? We’re pleased to present our new visual identity and a refreshed colour palette inspired by the natural light display of…
Friday, Apr 1 '22
WAG-Qaumajuq ablaze with the colours of spring thanks to Petals West
The gallery spaces of WAG-Qaumajuq came alive this weekend through the generous donation of over 20,000 flowers by Master Partner Petals West. The biannual Art…
Wednesday, Jun 29 '22
Curator in Residence, Mariana Muñoz Gomez on Transmissions
Current Curator in Residence at WAG-Qaumajuq, Mariana Muñoz Gomez has spent the last year preparing to launch an ambitious new exhibition. An artist, writer, and…
Thursday, Sep 29 '22
Remembering Elisapee Ishulutaq
WAG-Qaumajuq Curator of Inuit Art, Darlene Coward Wight reflected on the time she spent with renowned Inuit artist, Elisapee Ishulutaq in the new McMichael Canadian…
Tuesday, Oct 25 '22
Fashion Takes Over the Gallery
This year, WAG-Qaumajuq is launching our celebrated annual craft sale, CRAFTED: Show + Sale, with a full fashion runway featuring 25 collections from fashion designers…
Wednesday, Aug 31 '22
Catching up with the Curators: Kwaata-nihtaawakihk: A Hard Birth
Kwaata-nihtaawakihk: A Hard Birth is an incredible exhibition with a long road to opening; originally a part of the Manitoba 150 commemoration, the exhibition was…
Tuesday, Nov 1 '22
The Hucal Kurelek Collection
William Kurelek in Focus: Works from the Collection At the time of his death, William Kurelek (1927-1977) was one of the most commercially successful artists…
Tuesday, Nov 29 '22
Thank you for your support
Members and donors like you create incredible opportunities at WAG-Qaumajuq As I look back on 2022, I am struck by the wonderful programs, exhibitions, and…
Wednesday, Nov 30 '22
Bill Vazan Installation
Check out the Bill Vazan installation at the WAG point on Memorial Boulevard! Seven granite boulders were installed in November 2022, each with unique engravings….
Monday, May 30 '22
Will you help celebrate the next generation of great artists?
My name is Cara, and I’m the Learning & Programs Coordinator for the WAG-Qaumajuq Studio. Some of you may know the magic of the Studio…
Thursday, Mar 30 '23
50 years in glass @ ShopWAG
ShopWAG is celebrating the 50-year career of local glass artist Ione Thorkelsson, with a series release of blown glass works from the artist’s personal collection….
Tuesday, Feb 28 '23
Congratulations to the Longlist Recipients of KAMA 2023!
In February 2023, the Inuit Art Foundation and WAG-Qaumajuq announced the Kenojuak Ashevak Memorial Award (KAMA) longlist recipients! KAMA is a biennial prize that supports…
Tuesday, Apr 26 '22
Remembering Robert Archambeau
We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of the outstanding Canadian ceramicist, Robert Archambeau. Archambeau worked and taught with clay for over 60…
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