WAG-Qaumajuq is nestled in the heart of Winnipeg, just off Portage Avenue.
300 Memorial Boulevard
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3C 1V1
We are walking distance from a variety of downtown hotels and amenities.
General inquiries
Phone: (204) 786-6641
Email: inquiries@wag.ca
Reminder that we have adjusted our public hours. The new public hours for the Gallery, ShopWAG, and Katita Café are Wednesday to Sunday from 11am to 5pm. Learn more at wag.ca/stories.

Walking from The Forks (approx. 20 minutes): Head west on Broadway until you hit Memorial Boulevard (in front of the Legislative Building). Turn right, and you’ll find WAG-Qaumajuq on the lefthand side as you approach St. Mary Avenue (two blocks past Broadway).
If visiting by car, there are a few parking options:
Metered parking
- Available around the Gallery on Memorial Boulevard, St. Mary Avenue, and Colony Street.
- Street parking charges are in effect Monday through Saturday (8am – 5:30pm), with free parking on Sundays and holidays. The Winnipeg Parking Authority also offers 2-hour complimentary downtown parking on Saturdays anytime between 8am and 5:30pm.
Parking lots
- Various paid parkades surround the building
Winnipeg Transit has a number of routes that service WAG-Qaumajuq. Their online trip planner, Navigo, will help you determine the best route.
Bicycle racks are available for use in front of the WAG entrance on Memorial Boulevard
To plan your visit, check out wag.ca/visit