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WAG-Qaumajuq occupies a very special place in downtown Winnipeg. A vibrant, cultural hub, it represents optimism, light and reconciliation for all of us who live and work in the city, as well as for those who visit from other places.

I am so grateful to the visionaries and dreamers who made this beautiful combined space a reality. The builders, the artists, the elders and knowledge keepers, the fundraisers, donors and sponsors, the members, volunteers, and visitors, past and present, have created an artistic institution like no other.

I would like to thank WAG staff and leadership for making this last year so remarkable. Their commitment to the success of the Gallery, to delivering exceptional exhibitions and programs and to creating partnerships with communities across the province and country is truly inspiring.

I have had the privilege of working with an outstanding Board of Governors who bring dedication, intelligence, and innovation to every decision and conversation. Their support during my first year as Chair has meant so much to me. Equally, I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate with CEO and Director, Dr. Stephen Borys. Under his direction, the Gallery has become a national leader in equity, diversity and inclusion. Many galleries and museums throughout North America look to WAG-Qaumajuq as an example of what’s possible. Thank you to the Board and to Dr. Borys.

Several years ago, I saw the architect’s model for Qaumajuq, then called the Inuit Art Centre, sitting under glass in the mezzanine of the WAG. I was immediately struck by the potential of this building to change the way we think about art. Seeing that model inspired me to volunteer – first on the Development Committee, then on the Board of Governors and now as Chair of the Board. Along the way, I have learned so much and met so many wonderful people.

I invite everyone to explore WAG-Qaumajuq. I know you will be amazed, challenged and moved by what you see here. I hope it will inspire you to engage further with the Gallery by becoming a member, volunteer or donor. Together, we have a bright future!


Dr. Stephen Borys, Director & CEO of the Winnipeg Art Gallery and Qaumajuq, has long been a fierce advocate for the power of art to change lives and make a difference in the community. He holds an Executive MBA, PhD in Art and Architectural History from McGill University, MA in Art History from the University of Toronto, BA Honours from the University of Winnipeg.  Dr. Borys is an adjunct professor of art history at the University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg. Under his leadership, the WAG has expanded its role and purpose in the cultural and museum sector locally and globally, with particular attention to the Indigenization and decolonization of the institution.  Responding to calls to action, reconciliation work with Indigenous peoples and nations has been at the forefront of his directorship. Dr. Borys was previously chief curator at The Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, at which time he held teaching posts at Florida State University and New College. Prior to Sarasota, he was senior curator and lecturer at the Allen Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio; and earlier, he was a curator of European & American art at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, and a curatorial assistant at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal. He has organized numerous exhibitions, written accompanying catalogues and scholarly articles, lectured across North America and internationally and is the recipient of several research and exhibition grants. Dr. Borys is a graduate of the Getty Museum Leadership Institute and the Royal Collections Studies Program.  He was awarded the Business and Arts Peter Herrndorf Art Leadership Award in 2023, Order of Manitoba in 2020, and the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum and Diamond Jubilee Medals in 2022 and 2012. He is a member of the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review board and Economic Development Winnipeg board, and a past board member of the Canadian Museums Association, Association of Art Museum Directors, and the Canadian Art Museum Directors Organization.  

Leadership Team

Maxine Bock
Maxine Bock Executive Officer Email Maxine
Bill Elliott
Bill Elliott Deputy Director & CFO Email Bill
Catherine Maksymiuk
Catherine Maksymiuk Head of Engagement & Advancement Email Catherine
Julia Lafreniere
Julia Lafreniere Head of Indigenous Ways & Learning Email Julia
Rachel Baerg
Rachel Baerg Head of Education & Public Programs Email Rachel
Radovan Radulovic
Radovan Radulovic Head of Museum Services & Building Operations Email Radovan
Riva Symko
Riva Symko Head of Collections & Exhibitions and Curator of Canadian Art Email Riva

Board of Governors

Aynsley Cockshott Chair
Kevin Chipman Vice Chair, Co-Chair, Development Committee Philanthropy Program Manager, United Way Winnipeg
Jan Burns Co-Chair, Associates Committee
John Bockstael Chair, Building Stewardship Committee Chairman, Bockstael Construction
Jason Smith Co-Chair, Development Committee President, Winnipeg Sea Bears
Sangeet Bhatia Chair, Finance and Audit Committee Partner, Consulting, Deloitte Inc.
Carol Stockwell Chair, Governance and Nominating Committee, WAG Foundation Appointee FCPA, FCA
Vacant Chair, Human Resources Committee
Brian Mayes Chair, Works of Art Committee, City of Winnipeg Appointee City Councillor for St. Vital Ward
Jennifer Blumenthal Member at-Large Works of Art committee member
Angie Bruce Member at-Large Vice-President [Indigenous] University of Manitoba, Finance and Audit committee member
Derek Elliott Member at-Large Co-Founder, Partner & Director of Engagement, Brandish
Nikki Komaksiutiksak Member at-Large Executive Director, Tunngasugit, Human Resources committee member
Melissa Ridgen Member at-Large Network Managing Editor, Global News, Development committee member
Diane Roussin Member-at-large Project Director, The Winnipeg Boldness Project
Vacant Province of Manitoba Appointment
Bill Elliott Deputy Director & CFO

For those interested in joining the Winnipeg Art Gallery Board of Governors please submit an application and CV to the board’s Governance & Nominating Committee.

All applications will be reviewed and acknowledged. For application information, contact

Maxine Bock
Executive Officer


As Indigenous ways, ceremony & knowledge are becoming more integrated into the fabric of WAG-Qaumajuq, including at the governance level, the mandate of the Indigenous Advisory circle has organically changed from annual formal meetings to monthly informal project-based collaboration. Indigenous Knowledge Keepers are always invited into conversations and collaborate on projects on a regular ad-hoc basis. Ceremonial Leaders make prayers at WAG-Qaumajuq regularly at the direction of Dakota Elder Wanbdi Wakita. WAG-Qaumajuq is very honoured to work with these Knowledge Keepers and is very grateful for their expertise, guidance, and leadership.

A group of people with blankets on their shoulders, participating in the Star Blanket Ceremony.


Byron Beardy Anishininiwak Knowledge Keeper
Elder Dr. Mary Courchene Anishinaabe Elder
Verna DeMontigny Red River Metis Elder
Dr. Sherry Farrell Racette Red River Metis scholar, curator, artist
Brett Huson Gitxsan artist and knowledge keeper
Dr. Cathy Mattes Red River Metis scholar, curator, artist
Elder Dr. Albert McLeod Cree and Metis 2S Advocate, Leader, and Knowledge Keeper
Martha Peet Inuk Elder
Jocelyn Piirainen Inuk curator and artist
Kunsi Pahan Pte San Win Lakota, Cree and Metis Elder
Dr. Niigaanwewidam Sinclair Anishinaabe scholar, curator
Dave Thomas Anishinaabe artist & architect
Victor Tssessaze Dene Elder and artist
Theresie Tungilik Inuk Knowledge Keeper and artist
Marcella Vezina Red River Metis Elder
Unkan Wanbdi Wakita Dakota Elder


The Honorable Patricia E. Bovey Director Emeritus Senator
H. Sanford Riley Governor Emeritus CEO, Richardson Financial Group Limited
Dr. Ernest Cholakis Chair Emeritus Dentist, Cholakis Dental Group
Plan Your Visit
WAG-Qaumajuq recognizes that land acknowledgements are part of an ongoing dialogue with Indigenous Nations, and we are grateful to live and work on these lands and waters. Institutionally, WAG-Qaumajuq is committed to acknowledging our colonial history and we are actively working to interrogate the Gallery’s colonial ways of being.

WAG-Qaumajuq is LEED certified.

WAG - Winnipeg Art Gallery Outline
Winnipeg Art Gallery—Qaumajuq
300 Memorial Blvd
Winnipeg, MB
204.786.6641 // Gallery
204.789.1769 // Shop
Email Us
Wed-Sun // 11am–5pm
Closed Mondays & Tuesdays