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May is for Members!

Thank you for being a member of WAG-Qaumajuq! Each year, your membership helps give others accessible ways to visit the Gallery, while strengthening our programs and collection for everyone in the community. Members are our biggest fans – and this month is all about you!

For the month of May, in addition to your core membership benefits, you can enjoy:

  • A membership extension when you refer a friend
    • This month only, bring one guest to WAG-Qaumajuq for free with your membership! If your friend signs up for a membership during their visit, they’ll receive $10 off the purchase of their Friend Plus or Partner membership, and we’ll extend your membership for three months!*
  • Discounts at ShopWAG
    • Enjoy a special 20% off discount on WAG Swag, including ballcaps, toques, sweaters, and shirts! As well, WAG-Qaumajuq members always get 10% off most ShopWAG purchases, and 20% off WAG Publications – meaning you can visit Inuit Sanaugangit: Art Across Time and take home the catalogue at a great price!
  • Celebrate!
    • At the end of the month, celebrate the opening of Riopelle: Crossroads in Time at the free opening on May 31 – and experience the show with visiting curator Dr. Sylvie Lacerte at a members-only morning tour before the Gallery opens to the public on June 1.
*This offer can be redeemed in person and may only be applied once to your membership.


Not a member? Join today to take advantage of this special month.


One thought on "May is for Members!"

I’m so pleased to see how Marie-Anne Redhead is successful with her art career.
Félicitations Marie-Anne!

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Plan Your Visit
WAG-Qaumajuq recognizes that land acknowledgements are part of an ongoing dialogue with Indigenous Nations, and we are grateful to live and work on these lands and waters. Institutionally, WAG-Qaumajuq is committed to acknowledging our colonial history and we are actively working to interrogate the Gallery’s colonial ways of being.

WAG-Qaumajuq is LEED certified.

WAG - Winnipeg Art Gallery Outline
Winnipeg Art Gallery—Qaumajuq
300 Memorial Blvd
Winnipeg, MB
204.786.6641 // Gallery
204.789.1769 // Shop
Email Us
Wed-Sun // 11am–5pm
Closed Mondays & Tuesdays