New! WAG IdeasLAB

This innovative and inclusive program seeks to engage youth in developing and appreciating Indigenous art and culture at WAG-Qaumajuq by producing a variety of online content.
The WAG IdeasLAB summer internship is a part-time, paid, eight-week session from Tuesday, July 27 to Friday, September 17, 2021. While open to others, interns are intended primarily to be graduating high school or undergraduate post-secondary students. This internship offers behind-the-scenes access to WAG-Qaumajuq and may include training, direct work experience, professional development, and mentorship that pairs interns with key WAG staff.
This program aligns with WAG-Qaumajuq’s commitment to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action.
Qaumajuq and the WAG focus on connecting Canada’s North and South and raising awareness of important issues that affect us all. The WAG IdeasLAB Summer Interns bring new perspectives and essential collaboration to this conversation, allowing increased connection with one of the world’s top places to promote and protect Indigenous art. We cannot wait to see where this WAG IdeasLAB experiment can go. — Mr. Barry Appleton, National Director, Appleton Foundation
Interns will produce bi-weekly blogs, digital observations, or social media posts related to WAG-Qaumajuq, its mission, and programs. Applications are now open and close on July 23, 2021. Big thank you to the Appleton Charitable Foundation for making this pilot program possible! Read the full announcement here.
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