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Canadian Debut of Our Land Showcases Rarely Seen Inuit Art

Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 30, 2016: The Winnipeg Art Gallery is honoured to present a powerful exhibition of treasures from the Government of Nunavut’s Fine Art Collections. Our Land: Contemporary Art from the Arctic broadly showcases Inuit art and culture through an impressive selection of work, some not seen in Canada since before Nunavut was established. The exhibit opens to the public with a free celebration on Friday, September 30 at 7:00pm, and runs until the new year.

Our Land – which means “Nunavut” in Inuktitut – transports visitors to the vast and beautiful Canadian Arctic through nearly 100 artworks drawn from the outstanding collection of the Government of Nunavut. Recently on long-term loan to the WAG, the entire collection numbering close to 7,300 pieces was brought to Winnipeg earlier this year through a unique partnership between the Governments of Nunavut and Manitoba together with the WAG.

“The partnership with the Winnipeg Art Gallery is a unique opportunity for collaboration. The Our Land opening will feature some rarely seen pieces from the Government of Nunavut Fine Art Collections,” states George Kuksuk, Minister of Culture and Heritage for the Government of Nunavut. “The department looks forward to our continued association with Manitoba on these types of initiatives which we believe shall have long-term positive outcomes for Nunavummiut, residents of Manitoba and all Canadians.”

After the creation of Nunavut in 1999, the collections of art, archives, and artifacts from the Northwest Territories (NWT) were assessed, and ownership of the material from the eastern Arctic was transferred to the new territory of Nunavut. Much of the collection continued to be stored in the NWT at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife. The partnership between the WAG and the governments of Nunavut and Manitoba allows the world to experience a collection that very few people – even those in the North – have had the opportunity to see.

“We are very excited about the opportunities Manitobans will have to embrace the incredible artwork produced in Nunavut,” said Rochelle Squires, Minister of Sport, Culture and Heritage for the Province of Manitoba. “Through this exciting partnership we can learn from the artists whose unique style has captured the lifestyle and traditions of the north.”

The Our Land exhibit was co-organized in 2004 by the Government of Nunavut and the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts to great acclaim, called “stunning” by The Boston Globe. In its first Canadian presentation, the exhibit is expanded by the WAG – home to the largest public collection of contemporary Inuit art anywhere – to include an even wider selection of carvings, prints, artifacts, photographs, films, and textiles.

“The Winnipeg Art Gallery is proud to present this magnificent celebration of Inuit art and culture with Canada and the world,” says Dr. Stephen Borys, WAG Director & CEO. “It is an honour to bring the collection out of storage and share Our Land with visitors. We sincerely thank the Government of Nunavut for their amazing collaboration and support. We are also grateful to the Government of Manitoba for their continued partnership in making the long-term loan possible.”

Exciting programs are being offered in conjunction with the exhibition. The October 12 Art for Lunch will feature a behind-the-scenes talk with Radovan Radulovic, WAG Head of Conservation, and on November 2, WAG Inuit Art Curator Darlene Coward Wight will conduct an exhibition tour. Feast features a traditional Arctic meal paired with a tour of Our Land on October 12 and November 17. Guided drop-in tours (included with Gallery admission) are scheduled on November 5, 13, 20; December 3, 18. To view all programming details, visit

The WAG is grateful for the support and partnership with the Government of Nunavut Department of Heritage and Community Tourism and Cultural Industries Program, as well as media sponsors: the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network and Pattison Outdoor Advertising.

Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram #inuitartcentre


For more information, please contact:
Catherine Maksymiuk
Manager, Media & Marketing
Winnipeg Art Gallery

Tammy Sawatzky
Public Relations Coordinator
Winnipeg Art Gallery

The Winnipeg Art Gallery is a cultural advocate – a lens and forum – helping people see and experience more through art. Playing a vital role in the community, engaging and enriching people of all ages and backgrounds through art and culture, the Winnipeg Art Gallery thrives as a creative, innovative, and accessible place for learning, discovery, and inspiration.

The WAG holds in trust the world’s largest public collection of contemporary Inuit art. Breaking ground in early 2017, the WAG is creating an Inuit Art Centre to celebrate the art and to honour the Inuit. The Centre will bridge Canada’s North and South through exhibitions, research, education, and art making.

Kanadimi Nuitirniq uuminnga “Our Land” Takupkaqtitaiyuq Takulluaqtauhimangittunik Inuit Hanauyainnik

Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 30, 2016: Taamna Winnipeg Art Gallery quviahuktuq takupkaqtilirami hakugiktunik takuyakhanik ikpingnaqtunik talvannga Nunavut Kavamatkut Pimmariktuni Hanauyani Katitiqhimayuni. Nunavut: Uplumiutat Hanauyat Ukiuqtaqtumin (Our Land: Contemporary Art from the Arctic) amigaittunik tautuktittuq Inuinnait hanauyainnik pitquhiinniklu talvuuna pinniqtuni pihimaninginnik havaktauhimayunik, ilangit tautuktauhimangittut Kanadami talvannga Nunavut piliuqtauhimatinnagu. Tautukvikhaq angmarniaqtuq inungnun piluni akiittumik aliahugutimik Tallimiunmi, September 30 uvani 7:00 unnukpat, aulalunilu nutaamun ukiumun.

Our Land – tukihitjutiqaqtuq “Nunavut” Inuktitut – aullaqtitpaktait pulaaqtut angiyumun pinniqtumunlu Kanadaup Ukiuqtaqtunganun talvuuna 100-nguqqayakhimayunik hanauyani pihimayut nakuupiaqtunin katitirhimaniinnin Nunavut Kavamatkut. Qangannuaq hivituniqaqtumik atuqtipkaqtauhimayut uumunga WAG-mun, tamaat katitirhimayut amigaitilaaqaqtut tikitqayaqhugu 7,300 ilikkuuqtunik tuyuqtauhimayut Winnipeg-mun atulihaaliqtillugu una ukiuq talvuuna aallangayumi paannariiknirmi ukunani Nunavut Kavamatkut uumanilu Manitoba atauttikkut uumunga WAG.

Paannariiqatigiikniq uumani Winnipeg Art Gallery aallangayuq uuktuqvikhaq havaqatigiiknirmun. Una ‘Our Land’ angmaqtirniq ilaqarniaqtuq ilanginnik takuyaulluarhimaittunik hanauyanik ukunannga Nunavut Kavamatkut Pimmariktuni Hanauyani Katitiqhimayuni. Havakvik niriuqtuq aulahimmaaqtumik havaqatigiigutiptiknik Manitoba-mun hapkunani taimaittuni piniarhimatjutini uppiriyavut piqarniaqtut hivituniqaqtunik nakuuyunik inirutikhanik Nunavunmiunnun, Manitobamiunnun tamainnunlu Kanadamiunnun. Honorable George Kuksuk, Nunavutip Ministaa Pitquhiliqiyikkut.

Piliuruiqhimaningani Nunavut 1999-mi, katitiqhimaniit hanauyani, tutquumahimayuni, ingilraangnitauyunilu Nunatsiamin (NWT) naunaiyaqtauvaktut, piutigiyauyullu hunani kivataanin Ukiuqtaqtumin nuutiqtauvaktut nutaamun nunamun Nunavunmun. Amigaitqiyauyut tamayani tutquumahimmaaqtauhimavaktut NWT-mi uvani Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre Yellowknife-mi. Paannariikniit ukunani WAG-mi kavamagiyainnilu Nunavutip Manitobalu pipkaqtitaa nunaryuaq takulugu katitiqhimayunik ikitpiaqtut inuit – taapkuallu Ukiuqtaqtumi – pivikhaqaqhimavaktut takunikkut.

“Quviahukpiaqtugut uuktuqvikhainnun Manitobamiut piniaqtut munarittiarnikkut quvianiaqpiaqtut hanauyat piliuqtauhimayut Nunavumi,” uqaqtuq Rochelle Squires, Manitobaup Ministaa Ulapqinikkut, Pitquhikkut Ilitquhikkullu. “Uvuuna alianaqtukkut paannariiknirnikkut ilihaqpaktugut hanauyaqtinin taapkuat aallangayut hanauyarutait tautuktitait inuuhiit pitquhiillu ukiuqtaqtumi.”
Una Our Land qunngiaqvikhaq atauttikkut-ihuarhaqtauvaktuq 2004-mi ukunannga Nunavut Kavamatkunnin uumanngalu Peabody Essex Museum uvani Salem, Massachusetts-mi nanngaqtauqpiarhuni, uqaqtauhimayuq “pinniqpiaqtuq” uumannga The Boston Globe. Uvani hivulliqpaami Kanadami tautuktipkaitjutimi, qunngiaqvik angikliyuummiqtiqtauhimayuq WAG-min – nayuqvigiyauyuq angitqiyauyumun nanminiriyaungittunin katitiqhimayunik uplumiutanik Inuinnait hanauyainnik humiliqaak – ilaliutihimaplutik amigaitqiyauyunik tautuktakhanik hanauganik, titirauyaqhimayunik, ingilraangnitarnik, piksanik, piksasuuliuqhimayunik, kalikuniklu.

“Una Winnipeg Art Gallery quviahuktuq takupkaqtilirami una quvianaqtuq aliahuuti Inuit hanauyainnik pitquhiinniklu Kanadamun nunaryuamullu,” uqaqtuq Dr. Stephen Borys, WAG Aulapkaiyi Atannguyalluaqtuqlu. “Quvianaqtuq agyaqtaungmata katitiqhmayut tutquumaviknin takupkaqtittugulu Our Land pulaaqtunun. Quyagiqpiaqtavut Nunavut Kavamatkut havaqatigiikpiarnirninginnik ikayurutinginniklu. Quviagiyavullu Manitoba Kavamatkut uumunga aularaanginnaqtumun paannariiknirmiknun pipkainikkut hivituniqaqtumi aturutimik pipkainianik.”

Alianaqtut pinahuarutikhat manimayut atauttikkut qunngiaqvikmi. Una October 12 Hanauyat Qitiqqukpat Nirivikhami pipkainiaqtuq haniraaniittuni uqautimik uumannga Radovan Radulovic, WAG Atannguyaq Tammaqtailinikkut, uvanilu November 2-mi, WAG Inuit Art Munaqti Darlene Coward Wight pipkainiaqtuq qunngiaqtipkailuni. Feast pipkainiaqtuq pitquhikkut Ukiuqtaqtumi nirinirnik pipkailunilu qunngiaqtipkainirmik uuminnga Our Land October 12-mi, November 17-milu. Hivuliqtiqarluni upautiyuni qunngiaqtipkaitjutit (ilaliutihimayuq uvani Gallery itirutikkut akingani) ihuarhaqtauhimayut ukununga November 5, 13, 20; December 3, 18. Takulugit tamaita pinahaurutikkut naunaitkutat, takulugu

Una WAG quyagiyuq ikayurutaanik Nunavut Kavamatkut Havakvia Ilitquhikkut ukuallu Nunallaani Aquivigiyauvikhakkut Pitquhikkullu Havakviinni Pinahuaruti, ukuallu tuhaupkainikkut ikayuqtiit: una Aboriginal Peoples Television Network unalu Pattison Outdoor Advertising.

Ilautjutiqatigiikluta uvani Facebook, Twitter, uvanilu Instagram #inuitartcentre


Aallanik ilitturipkaitjutikhanik, uqaqatigilugu:
Catherine Maksymiuk
Atannguyaq, Tuhaumapkaitjutini Niuvvaanikkullu
Winnipeg Art Gallery

Tammy Sawatzky
Inungnun Havaqatigiiknikkut Kamayi
Winnipeg Art Gallery

Una Winnipeg Art Gallery pitquhikkut akihaqtuiyi – tautukvik katimaviklu – ikayuqtait inuit takulutik mihigilutiklu amigaitqiyainik hanauyatigut. Pipluni havakpiarutinik nunallaani, ilaupkaiyuq pimmarighaqtuqlu inungnik taimainni ukiuqaqtunik inuuhiqaqtuniklu talvuuna hanauyatigut pitquhikkullu, una Winnipeg Art Gallery piuyuq piliuqpiarnikkut, aallangayukkuurutikkut, pivigittaarnikkullu ayuirharnikkut, ilitturihimalirnikkut, piyumapkailirnikkullu.

Una WAG pihimayaat munarinikkut nunaryuami angitqiyauyumik nanminiriyaungittumik katitiqhimayunik uplumiutanik Inuinnait hanauyainnik. Havaktaulirluni atulihaaliqqat 2017, una WAG piliuliqtuq uuminnga Inuit Art Centre-mik aliahuutigiyumaplugit hanauyait quviahuutigiyumaplugillu Inuit. Taamna Centre atatjutiniaqtait Tunun’ngania Hivuraalu talvuuna qunngiaqtipkainikkut, qauyiharnikkut, iliharnikkut, hanayarnikkullu.


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WAG-Qaumajuq recognizes that land acknowledgements are part of an ongoing dialogue with Indigenous Nations, and we are grateful to live and work on these lands and waters. Institutionally, WAG-Qaumajuq is committed to acknowledging our colonial history and we are actively working to interrogate the Gallery’s colonial ways of being.

WAG-Qaumajuq is LEED certified.

WAG - Winnipeg Art Gallery Outline
Winnipeg Art Gallery—Qaumajuq
300 Memorial Blvd
Winnipeg, MB
204.786.6641 // Gallery
204.789.1769 // Shop
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Wed-Sun // 11am–5pm
Closed Mondays & Tuesdays