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Jan 13 - Mar 24
*No Classes Feb 17

6:00pm - 8:30pm

Learn the basic techniques of watercolour painting, the use and care of paints and brushes, the elements and principals of design, and colour theory.

Disclaimer: Nude and/or costumed models may be used at the discretion of the instructor. Instructors will inform students beforehand if they opt to include models in their lesson plan.

Please note there will be no classes on Feb 17.


Jessica Holl

Jessica Holl graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) and is skilled in watercolour, acrylic painting, digital art & design, mixed-media, photo editing, and screen-printing. She guides and facilitates individuals in a studio environment to find their inner artist, and create a safe space for people to help reach their potential in their self-expression. She is especially passionate about young people, and finding ways to help their minds grow and flourish in various forms— through, art, games, and play-based activities.

Please review the below information prior to registration. 

  • Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. A student will only be registered for a class upon receipt of payment for the class.
  • After registering, you will receive an email with your receipt, confirming your registration for the class.
  • Credit card numbers are required for telephone registrations.
  • Cheques made payable to the Winnipeg Art Gallery. N.S.F. cheque charge is $15. Post-dated cheques are not accepted.
  • Updates are sent by email. Please include a valid email when registering.
  • Personal data will not be shared, traded, or sold to any third parties. The WAG reserves the right to use this information for our own statistical, mailing, and membership purposes. You may opt out at any time.
  • Our Studio Course Fee Assistance Program aims to expand access to art classes, regardless of family income. Thanks to generous support from the Graham C. Lount Family Foundation, we are pleased to offer subsidized classes to those who are unable to pay the full course fee. Please visit our studio subsidy page for more information and to apply.
  • Registrants must meet the age requirements for any given program. Exceptions within 1 year of the indicated age range will be made at the discretion of the Studio Coordinator.
  • The number next to the course name for child/teen classes indicates the age group, not skill level. Classes are repeatable and open to all skill levels.
  • If a student will be repeating the same class with a different instructor, they can expect new lessons/projects.
  • Mature, and advanced teens interested in an adult class may request permission to enroll.
  • Visit our getting here page for information regarding parking, busing, biking, and more.
  • Evening Classes: Students enter and exit the building from the security entrance located in the parking lot on the St. Mary side of the building. The security guard there requests to see their pass to buzz them in. Students then make their way to the 4th floor via the elevator near Katita Cafe.
  • Daytime Classes: Students enter and exit the Qaumajuq entrance, and then make their way to the 4th floor via the elevator near Katita Cafe.
  • A directional map can be viewed here.
  • The studios are not accessible to students outside of course times. Students may arrive 5 minutes before the start of the course, giving instructors preparation time to set up for the lesson.
  • If you or your child has additional needs and would benefit from a support person in class, a family member or caregiver may attend the class in a support capacity.
  • Please note any pertinent information about the student you feel we should be aware of (i.e. physical, emotional, behavioural, or medical conditions, allergies, safety concerns, etc.) on the registration form.
  • For the safety of students and staff with peanut and/or nut allergies, please leave products containing nuts at home.
  • Classroom activities and students’ work may be photographed for educational and promotional purposes.
    You may opt out by notifying the receptionist.
  • The building is fully wheelchair accessible. Please visit our accessibility page for more information.
  • By registering for any WAG Studio program, the participant (or their parent/guardian) acknowledges and accepts that physical artmaking involve inherent risks of injury. Winnipeg Art Gallery-Qaumajuq, along with its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, and independent contractors, shall not be liable for any injury to the participant or any loss or damage to their personal property arising from, or in any way resulting from, their attendance at or participation in the program. Furthermore, by completing registration, the participant (or their parent/guardian) agrees to release and indemnify WAG-Qaumajuq from any claims or damages arising from any such injury, loss, or damage, except in cases where such injury, loss, or damage is caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of WAG-Qaumajuq, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, or independent contractors acting within the scope of their duties.
  • Refunds will only be issued if notification of withdrawal is received five working days before the first day of the class or workshop, and are subject to a $15 administration fee.
  • Refunds will not be issued after classes commence except for medical reasons (doctor’s note required).
  • All WAG Studio workshops (including MakerLabs, Paint Parties, ClayMakers and Family MakerLabs) are non-refundable after purchase, however tickets are transferable if the studio is notified of the new participant’s name prior to the workshop.
  • Any classes that you are unable to attend cannot be refunded and any missed sessions cannot be reallocated or rescheduled. This same policy applies to lessons missed due to illness or self-isolating.
  • In the event of cancellation due to low enrollment, a full refund will be issued.
  • Instructors may be subject to change without notice.
  • WAG Studio reserves the right to refuse admission or to de-register any person(s) who prevent our ability to deliver safe, positive, and inclusive programming. Behaviour that puts others at physical or emotional risk may result in the immediate removal from WAG Studio programs without refund or compensation.
  • Please dress in clothing that reflects the nature of the activity. Clothing may get messy from the materials and mediums utilized in class.
  • Adults: With the exception of Pottery and Digital Drawing, adults provide their own tools and supplies for classes. The studio provides the art supplies for the first class. During the first class the instructor will give everyone a list of supplies required for the remaining classes, and discuss where to buy them, quality to look for, when they’re needed, which are optional, etc. The cost of supplies is typically $50-$150, depending on the class.
    • Pottery students will receive 10 kg of clay, and have access to tools, glaze and equipment in the studio. Firing costs are included in the course fee.
  • Children/Teens: Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are provided for child/teen classes. On occasion, instructors may suggest students bring items from home, such as references or recycled materials.
  • Digital Drawing students may choose to bring their own drawing tablet and pen, or use the one provided by the WAG Studio.
  • Classwork in progress, or work that needs to dry may be stored in the studio between classes. All work must be taken home on the last day of the course.
  • While WAG Studio makes every effort to handle student work with the utmost care, we cannot guarantee perfect results. It is the nature of working in a shared space that pieces are occasionally lost or damaged.
  • Children/Teens will have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork at WAG-Qaumajuq in the Through the Eyes of a Child gallery. Exhibition dates for each class are noted on the TV on the 4th floor. For more information visit the Through the Eyes of a Child exhibition page.
  • Clay works might crack or break during the firing or glazing process and glazes can have unpredictable results. Our classes are geared towards a creative learning experience rather than an end product. WAG Studio is not responsible for missing or broken pieces.
  • Participants in ceramics classes will be provided with a pick-up date(s) to collect works that have been fired, after classes end.
  • Any work remaining in the studio must be retrieved within two weeks of classes ending, or the provided pick-up deadline.

WAG Studio students (and their parents/guardians, where applicable) are expected to contribute to a positive and inclusive environment that respects all individuals and their property. Participants must uphold standards of speech, action, and behavior that are free from violence, harassment, racism, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination of any kind, including but not limited to those based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, culture, age, and ability. Behavior that puts any individual at physical or emotional risk may result in immediate removal from WAG Studio programs without refund or compensation.

Plan Your Visit
WAG-Qaumajuq recognizes that land acknowledgements are part of an ongoing dialogue with Indigenous Nations, and we are grateful to live and work on these lands and waters. Institutionally, WAG-Qaumajuq is committed to acknowledging our colonial history and we are actively working to interrogate the Gallery’s colonial ways of being.

WAG-Qaumajuq is LEED certified.

WAG - Winnipeg Art Gallery Outline
Winnipeg Art Gallery—Qaumajuq
300 Memorial Blvd
Winnipeg, MB
204.786.6641 // Gallery
204.789.1769 // Shop
Email Us
Wed-Sun // 11am–5pm
Closed Mondays & Tuesdays