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Jun 11 - Jun 16
Join the Associates of the WAG on a Travel Tour to Haida Gwaii!

Formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands, Haida Gwaii is a remote archipelago on the west coast of British Columbia and has been the home of the Haida Gwaii people for over 10,000 years.

Come with WAG Associates, Sue Irving and Carol Eliasson, to see firsthand the beauty of Haida Gwaii! Learn about its rich culture, and experience a Haida feast hosted by the local community!

Space is limited – only 3 spots left.

For trip information please see below.

Travel Tour Information


Plan Your Visit
WAG-Qaumajuq recognizes that land acknowledgements are part of an ongoing dialogue with Indigenous Nations, and we are grateful to live and work on these lands and waters. Institutionally, WAG-Qaumajuq is committed to acknowledging our colonial history and we are actively working to interrogate the Gallery’s colonial ways of being.

WAG-Qaumajuq is LEED certified.

WAG - Winnipeg Art Gallery Outline
Winnipeg Art Gallery—Qaumajuq
300 Memorial Blvd
Winnipeg, MB
204.786.6641 // Gallery
204.789.1769 // Shop
Email Us
Wed-Sun // 11am–5pm
Closed Mondays & Tuesdays