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Apr 6 - May 25, '23

1:00pm - 2:30pm

Art to Inspire is a program designed to creatively engage people living with dementia, and their care partners, with visual art.

Art to Inspire offers eight afternoon sessions in WAG-Qaumajuq where participants can enjoy conversations, works of art, and artmaking in a supportive setting. Each session will explore a different theme and engage participants in different ways that celebrate present-moment awareness and meaningful creative expression.

Developed in partnership by WAG-Qaumajuq, the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba, and the University of Manitoba College of Rehabilitation Sciences.

In Partnership with

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WAG-Qaumajuq recognizes that land acknowledgements are part of an ongoing dialogue with Indigenous Nations, and we are grateful to live and work on these lands and waters. Institutionally, WAG-Qaumajuq is committed to acknowledging our colonial history and we are actively working to interrogate the Gallery’s colonial ways of being.

WAG-Qaumajuq is LEED certified.

WAG - Winnipeg Art Gallery Outline
Winnipeg Art Gallery—Qaumajuq
300 Memorial Blvd
Winnipeg, MB
204.786.6641 // Gallery
204.789.1769 // Shop
Email Us
Wed-Sun // 11am–5pm
Closed Mondays & Tuesdays