WAG Studio’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that art education is a vital component in the personal development of individuals at any age. That’s why we created WAG@Home DIY’s last year, and that’s why we’re bringing it back for the summer!
Below you will find video tutorials that will guide you through the process of creating 5 different art projects. Request your art kit here.
Beginner Weaving
- Cardboard
- Various Yarn (6 different kinds)
- Plastic Craft Needle
- Cotton Thread
- Tape
- Scissors
Cacti Embroidery
Monstera Air Dry Catchall
- Air Dry Clay
- Knife
Crepe Floral Wreath
Needle Felting
- Needle
- Wool
- Piece of foam
- Bubble wrap
- Dish Soap
- Scissors
Most supplies can be found at Artist’s Emporium, Dollarama, Michael’s Craft Store, or Amazon. We’ve linked some options below.
If you’re unable to access the supplies for these projects you can pick up a kit from the WAG. These supply kits have been made possible by funding from the Graham C. Lount Family Foundation in an effort to create barrier free art education for children, youth, and families. The kits are sold at a “pay what you can” rate, however, if you would like to cover the cost of your kit we recommend $15. You will be contacted by email when your kit is ready to be picked up at ShopWAG.
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