Goota Ashoona Sculpture Unveiled at WAG-Qaumajuq

Goota Ashoona Tuniigusiia/The Gift unveiling by Inuit Art Curator Darlene Coward Wight and Assistant Curator of Inuit Art, Jocelyn Piirainen. Commissioned by The Manitoba Teachers’ Society on behalf of Manitoba’s public school teachers.
Carved from Verde Guatemala marble, the sculpture welcomes visitors to Qaumajuq, opening in early 2021. The public can now visit the artwork on the corner of St. Mary Avenue and Memorial Boulevard in the heart of downtown Winnipeg.
The artwork was commissioned by the Manitoba Teachers’ Society “to honour teachers all around us—in the land and in our lives—who reveal the truth, wisdom and beauty that connect us all”. Titled Tuniigusiia/The Gift, Ashoona’s multi-faceted sculpture reflects knowledge transfer through education and storytelling, and the important role teachers play in our communities.
Watch this video to to learn more!
7 thoughts on "Goota Ashoona Sculpture Unveiled at WAG-Qaumajuq"
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How wonderful to see Goota’s sculpture installed at the WAG!
Congratulations Goota!!!
Beautiful! Thank you for this and congratulations!
Beautiful and meaningful sculpture. Thank you, Goota.
Such a powerful and beautiful work. I am proud, honoured and thankful to be a teacher. Thank you for this wonderful sculpture.
I have seen and touched this beautiful work of art and it really has an incredible aurora. Thank you Goota Ashoona for bringing more of your beautiful sculpture to us and for the Teachers Association for commissioning such an important peace of art.
It taught me also that teachers can be seekers too, since the woman is looking up at the sky (maybe stars?). The statue adorns the plaza outside, and encourages people to see the inside also :-)
Absolutely stunning Goota!!, I am so happy to have met you in person, you are an incredible artist. Looking forward seeing you & Bobby soon